Կաղապար:Short description

Modern art includes artistic work produced during the period extending roughly from the 1860s to the 1970s, and denotes the styles and philosophies of the art produced during that era.[1] The term is usually associated with art in which the traditions of the past have been thrown aside in a spirit of experimentation.[2] Modern artists experimented with new ways of seeing and with fresh ideas about the nature of materials and functions of art. A tendency away from the narrative, which was characteristic for the traditional arts, toward Աբստրակցիա is characteristic of much modern art. More recent artistic production is often called Ժամանակակից արվեստ or postmodern art.

Modern art begins with the heritage of painters like Վինսենթ վան Գոգ, Պոլ Սեզան, Պոլ Գոգեն, Ժորժ Սյորա and Անրի դը Տուլուզ-Լոտրեկ all of whom were essential for the development of modern art. At the beginning of the 20th century Անրի Մատիս and several other young artists including the pre-cubists Ժորժ Բրաք, Անդրե Դերեն, Raoul Dufy, Jean Metzinger and Մորիս դը Վլամինկ revolutionized the Paris art world with "wild", multi-colored, expressive landscapes and figure paintings that the critics called Ֆովիզմ. Matisse's two versions of The Dance signified a key point in his career and in the development of modern painting.[3] It reflected Matisse's incipient fascination with primitive art: the intense warm color of the figures against the cool blue-green background and the rhythmical succession of the dancing nudes convey the feelings of emotional liberation and Հեդոնիզմ.

At the start of 20th-century Western painting, and Initially influenced by Անրի դը Տուլուզ-Լոտրեկ, Պոլ Գոգեն and other late-19th-century innovators, Պաբլո Պիկասո made his first cubist paintings based on Cézanne's idea that all depiction of nature can be reduced to three solids: Խորանարդ, sphere and cone. With the painting Ավինյոնի աղջիկները (կտավ) (1907), Picasso dramatically created a new and radical picture depicting a raw and primitive brothel scene with five prostitutes, violently painted women, reminiscent of African tribal masks and his own new Կուբիզմ inventions. Կուբիզմ was jointly developed by Picasso and Ժորժ Բրաք, exemplified by Violin and Candlestick, Paris, from about 1908 through 1912. Analytic cubism, the first clear manifestation of cubism, was followed by Կուբիզմ, practiced by Braque, Picasso, Ֆերնան Լեժե, Խուան Գրիս, Albert Gleizes, Մարսել Դյուշան and several other artists into the 1920s. Կուբիզմ is characterized by the introduction of different textures, surfaces, Կոլաժ elements, papier collé and a large variety of merged subject matter.[փա՞ստ]

The notion of modern art is closely related to Մոդեռնիզմ.[4]

Էդուարդ Մանե, The Luncheon on the Grass (Le déjeuner sur l'herbe), 1863, Օրսե թանգարան, Փարիզ

Roots in the 19th century


Although modern Քանդակագործություն and Ճարտարապետություն are reckoned to have emerged at the end of the 19th century, the beginnings of modern Գեղանկարչություն can be located earlier.[5] The date perhaps most commonly identified as marking the birth of modern art is 1863,[6] the year that Էդուարդ Մանե showed his painting Նախաճաշ խոտի վրա (Մանե) in the Մերժվածների սալոն in Paris. Earlier dates have also been proposed, among them 1855 (the year Գյուստավ Կուրբե exhibited The Artist's Studio) and 1784 (the year Ժակ Լուի Դավիդ completed his painting The Oath of the Horatii).[6] In the words of art historian H. Harvard Arnason: "Each of these dates has significance for the development of modern art, but none categorically marks a completely new beginning .... A gradual metamorphosis took place in the course of a hundred years."[6]

The strands of thought that eventually led to modern art can be traced back to the Enlightenment.[7] The important modern art critic Clement Greenberg, for instance, called Իմանուիլ Կանտ "the first real Modernist" but also drew a distinction: "The Enlightenment criticized from the outside ... . Modernism criticizes from the inside."[8] The Ֆրանսիական հեղափոխություն of 1789 uprooted assumptions and institutions that had for centuries been accepted with little question and accustomed the public to vigorous political and social debate. This gave rise to what art historian Ernst Gombrich called a "self-consciousness that made people select the style of their building as one selects the pattern of a wallpaper."[9]

The pioneers of modern art were Romantics, Realists and Impressionists.[10] By the late 19th century, additional movements which were to be influential in modern art had begun to emerge: Պոստիմպրեսիոնիզմ as well as Symbolism.

Influences upon these movements were varied: from exposure to Eastern decorative arts, particularly Japanese printmaking, to the coloristic innovations of Turner and Delacroix, to a search for more realism in the depiction of common life, as found in the work of painters such as Ժան Ֆրանսուա Միլլե. The advocates of realism stood against the Իդեալիզմ of the tradition-bound Ակադեմիզմ that enjoyed public and official favor.[11] The most successful painters of the day worked either through commissions or through large public exhibitions of their own work. There were official, government-sponsored painters' unions, while governments regularly held public exhibitions of new fine and decorative arts.

The Impressionists argued that people do not see objects but only the light which they reflect, and therefore painters should paint in natural light (Պլեներ) rather than in studios and should capture the effects of light in their work.[12] Impressionist artists formed a group, Société Anonyme Coopérative des Artistes Peintres, Sculpteurs, Graveurs ("Association of Painters, Sculptors, and Engravers") which, despite internal tensions, mounted a series of independent exhibitions.[13] The style was adopted by artists in different nations, in preference to a "national" style. These factors established the view that it was a "movement". These traits—establishment of a working method integral to the art, establishment of a movement or visible active core of support, and international adoption—would be repeated by artistic movements in the Modern period in art.

Early 20th century

Պատկեր:La danse (I) by Matisse.jpg
Անրի Մատիս, The Dance I, 1909, Ժամանակակից արվեստի թանգարան (Նյու Յորք), New York

Among the movements which flowered in the first decade of the 20th century were Ֆովիզմ, Կուբիզմ, Էքսպրեսիոնիզմ, and Futurism.

During the years between 1910 and the end of World War I and after the heyday of Կուբիզմ, several movements emerged in Paris. Ջորջո դե Կիրիկո moved to Paris in July 1911, where he joined his brother Andrea (the poet and painter known as Alberto Savinio). Through his brother he met Pierre Laprade, a member of the jury at the Աշնանային սալոն where he exhibited three of his dreamlike works: Enigma of the Oracle, Enigma of an Afternoon and Self-Portrait. During 1913 he exhibited his work at the Անկախների սալոն and Salon d’Automne, and his work was noticed by Պաբլո Պիկասո, Գիյոմ Ապոլիներ, and several others. His compelling and mysterious paintings are considered instrumental to the early beginnings of Սյուրռեալիզմ. Song of Love (1914) is one of the most famous works by de Chirico and is an early example of the surrealist style, though it was painted ten years before the movement was "founded" by Անդրե Բրետոն in 1924.

World War I brought an end to this phase but indicated the beginning of a number of anti-art movements, such as Դադաիզմ, including the work of Մարսել Դյուշան, and of Սյուրռեալիզմ. Artist groups like Դե ստիլ and Բաուհաուզ developed new ideas about the interrelation of the arts, architecture, design, and art education.

Modern art was introduced to the United States with the Armory Show in 1913 and through European artists who moved to the U.S. during World War I.

After World War II


It was only after World War II, however, that the U.S. became the focal point of new artistic movements.[14] The 1950s and 1960s saw the emergence of Abstract Expressionism, Color field painting, Կոնցեպտուալ արվեստists of Art & Language, Փոփ արտ, Օպտիկական արվեստ, Hard-edge painting, Minimal art, Lyrical Abstraction, Fluxus, Happening, Վիդեոարտ, Պոստմինիմալիզմ, Ֆոտոռեալիզմ and various other movements. In the late 1960s and the 1970s, Land art, Փերֆորմանս, Կոնցեպտուալ արվեստ, and other new art forms had attracted the attention of curators and critics, at the expense of more traditional media.[15] Larger installations and performances became widespread.

By the end of the 1970s, when cultural critics began speaking of "the end of painting" (the title of a provocative essay written in 1981 by Douglas Crimp), new media art had become a category in itself, with a growing number of artists experimenting with technological means such as Վիդեոարտ.[16] Painting assumed renewed importance in the 1980s and 1990s, as evidenced by the rise of Նեոէքսպրեսիոնիզմ and the revival of figurative painting.[17]

Towards the end of the 20th century, a number of artists and architects started questioning the idea of "the modern" and created typically Postmodern works.[18]

Art movements and artist groups


(Roughly chronological with representative artists listed.)

19th century


Early 20th century (before World War I)


World War I to World War II


After World War II


Important modern art exhibitions and museums


United Kingdom

  1. Atkins 1990, p. 102.
  2. Gombrich 1958, p. 419.
  3. Russell T. Clement. Four French Symbolists. Greenwood Press, 1996. Page 114.
  4. "One way of understanding the relation of the terms 'modern,' 'modernity,' and 'modernism' is that aesthetic modernism is a form of art characteristic of high or actualized late modernity, that is, of that period in which social, economic, and cultural life in the widest sense [was] revolutionized by modernity ... [this means] that modernist art is scarcely thinkable outside the context of the modernized society of the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Social modernity is the home of modernist art, even where that art rebels against it." Cahoone 1996, p. 13.
  5. Arnason 1998, p. 10.
  6. 6,0 6,1 6,2 Arnason 1998, p. 17.
  7. "In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries momentum began to gather behind a new view of the world, which would eventually create a new world, the modern world". Cahoone 1996, p. 27.
  8. Frascina and Harrison 1982, p. 5.
  9. Gombrich 1958, pp. 358–359.
  10. Arnason 1998, p. 22.
  11. Corinth, Schuster, Brauner, Vitali, and Butts 1996, p.25.
  12. Cogniat 1975, p. 61.
  13. Cogniat 1975, pp. 43–49.
  14. CIA and AbEx Retrieved November 7, 2010
  15. Mullins 2006, p. 14.
  16. Mullins 2006, p. 9.
  17. Mullins 2006, pp. 14–15.
  18. Post-Modernism: The New Classicism in Art and Architecture Charles Jencks
  19. David Lander "Fifties Furniture: The Side Table as Sculpture," American Heritage, Nov./Dec. 2006.
  • Arnason, H. Harvard. 1998. History of Modern Art: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Photography. Fourth Edition, rev. by Marla F. Prather, after the third edition, revised by Daniel Wheeler. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. 0-8109-3439-6; Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. 0-13-183313-8; London: Thames & Hudson. 0-500-23757-3 [Fifth edition, revised by Peter Kalb, Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall; London: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2004. 0-13-184069-X]
  • Atkins, Robert. 1990. Artspeak: A Guide to Contemporary Ideas, Movements, and Buzzwords. New York: Abbeville Press. 1-55859-127-3
  • Cahoone, Lawrence E. 1996. From Modernism to Postmodernism: An Anthology. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell. 1-55786-603-1
  • Cogniat, Raymond. 1975. Pissarro. New York: Crown. 0-517-52477-5.
  • Corinth, Lovis, Peter-Klaus Schuster, Lothar Brauner, Christoph Vitali, and Barbara Butts. 1996. Lovis Corinth. Munich and New York: Prestel. 3-7913-1682-6
  • Frascina, Francis, and Charles Harrison (eds.) 1982. Modern Art and Modernism: A Critical Anthology. Published in association with The Open University. London: Harper and Row, Ltd. Reprinted, London: Paul Chapman Publishing, Ltd.
  • Frazier, Nancy. 2001. The Penguin Concise Dictionary of Art History. New York: Penguin Books. 0-14-051420-1
  • Gombrich, E. H. 1958. The Story of Art. London: Phaidon. OCLC 220078463
  • Mullins, Charlotte. 2006. Painting People: Figure Painting Today. New York: D.A.P. 978-1-933045-38-2

Further reading

Վիքիքաղվածքն ունի քաղվածքների հավաքածու, որոնք վերաբերում են

Կաղապար:Modernism Կաղապար:Westernart