Դեյմ Մերի Բարբարա Համիլթոն Քարթլենդ, Կաղապար:Post-nominals (1901 թ. հուլիսի 9 – 2000 մայիսի 21) անգլիացի վիպասան է ով գրել ռոմանտիկ վեպեր, ամենաշատ վաճառված գրքերի հեղինակն է, ինչպես նաև 21-րս դարի ամենահայտնիներից մեկն է: Նրա 723 վեպերը թարգմանվել են 38 լեզուներով[1], մի տարվա մեջ բազմաթիվ վեպեր տպագրելու համար նա 1976 թվականին գրանցվել է Գինեսի ռեկորդների գրքում[2]:

Որպես Բարբարա Քարթլենդ նա հայտնի է իր բազմաթիվ ռոմանտիկ վեպերով, բայց նա հայտնի է նաև Բարբարա Թմսիքորքյոդալ, որը իր ամուսնու ազգանուն է: Նա ստեղծագործել է նաև Բարբարա Բելֆրի կեղծանվան տակ: Գրել է ավելի քան 700 գիրք,[3] ինչպես նաև պիեսներ, երաշտություններ, բանաստեղծություններ, դրամաներ, ամսագրի հոդվածներ: Բարբարան նաև նշանավոր բարերար է եղել: Վաճառվել է ավելի քան 750 միլլոն գիրք[3]: Այլ աղբյուրներում էլ նշվում է, որ նրա վաճառված գրքերի թիվը կազմում է 2 միլիարդ[4]: Նա խորացել էր 19-րդ դարի Վիկտորիական դարաշրջանի մաքուր սիրով:(1901–1980).[5]

Որպես Քարթլենդ կազմակերպության ղեկավար նա դարձավ Լոնդոնի ամենահայտնի հասարակական գործիչներից մեկը: Միշտ ներկայանալով վարդագույն շիֆոնի հագուստով, փետրավոր գլխարկով, շեկ կեղծամով ու մուգ շպարված, նա դարձավ Բրիտանիայի ամենահայտնի անձնավորություններից մեկը[3]:

Վաղ կյանքը


Ծնվել էօգոստոսի 31-ին Անգլիայի Բիրմինգհամ քաղաքում: Քարթլենդը եղել է բրիտանական բանակի սպա` Ջեյմս Բերտրամ Ֆոլկներ Քարթլենդի միակ դուստրը և ամենամեծ երեխան [6] (1876–1918), Ջեյմսի կինը` Մարի Համիլթոն Սքոբրը հայտնի էր Թոլի անունով (1877–1976). Քարթլենդը ուներ 2 եղբայր, մեկը Ռոլանդ Քարթլենդն էր, ով պառլամենտի անդամ էր և 2-րդ համաշխարհային պատերազմի ժամանակ բրիտանական բանակի սպա(1907–1940), մյուսը Ջեյմս Անթոն Թոնի Համիլթոն Քարթլենդ(1912–1940): Չնայած Բարաբարան ծնվել էր ֆինանսապես կայուն ընտանիքում, իր ծնվելուց կարճ ժամանակ անց ընտանիքի ֆինանսական վիճակը վատթարացավ: Քարթլենդը հետագայում այս սննկացումը կապեց պապի`Ջեյմս Քարթլենդի ինքնասպանության հետ, ով ֆինանսիստ էր, և սննկացման պատչառով կրակեց իր վրա[3]: However, according to the entry in the probate registry, James Cartland, the proprietor of a brass foundry, left an estate of £92,000, suggesting that Barbara Cartland's version of events is to a large degree fanciful.

This was followed soon afterward by her father's death in Berry-au-Bac in World War I. However, Cartland's enterprising mother opened a London dress shop to make ends meet, and to raise Cartland and her two brothers, both of whom were eventually killed in battle in 1940.[7]

Cartland was educated at private girls' schools: The Alice Ottley School, Malvern Girls' College, and Abbey House, an educational institution in Hampshire. Cartland soon became successful as a society reporter after 1922, and a writer of romantic fiction. Cartland admitted she was inspired in her early work by the novels of Edwardian author Elinor Glyn, whom she idolized and eventually befriended.

Barbara Cartland in 1925

Marriage and relationships


According to an obituary published in The Daily Telegraph,[3] Cartland reportedly broke off her first engagement, to a Guards officer, when she learned about sexual intercourse and recoiled. This claim fits with her image as part of a generation for whom such matters were never discussed, but sits uneasily with her having produced work controversial at the time for its sexual subject matter, as described above. She was married to Captain Alexander "Sachie" George McCorquodale, on 23 April 1927, a British Army officer from Scotland and heir to a printing old fortune. They divorced in 1933,[8] and he died from heart failure in 1964.[3]

Their daughter, Raine McCorquodale (9 September 1929 – 21 October 2016), who Cartland later alleged was the daughter of George Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, 5th Duke of Sutherland or Prince George, Duke of Kent, became "Deb of the Year" in 1947. After the McCorquodales' 1933 divorce, which involved charges and countercharges of infidelity, Cartland married her former husband's cousin, Hugh McCorquodale, on 28 December 1936. Cartland and her second husband, who died in 1963, had two sons: Ian McCorquodale (born 11 October 1937), a former Debretts publisher, and Glen McCorquodale (born 1939), a stockbroker.[7][3]

Cartland maintained a long friendship with Lord Mountbatten of Burma, whose 1979 death she said was the "greatest sadness of my life". Mountbatten supported Cartland in her various charitable works, particularly for United World Colleges, and even helped her write her book Love at the Helm, providing background naval and historical information. The Mountbatten Memorial Trust, established by Mountbatten's great-nephew Charles, Prince of Wales after Mountbatten was assassinated in Ireland, was the recipient of the proceeds of this book on its release in 1980.[փա՞ստ]

When Cartland learned that her young step-granddaughter, Diana, Princess of Wales, loved reading her novels Cartland began to send early copies for a young Diana to enjoy.[9] However, as an adult, Diana did not invite Cartland to her wedding to the Prince of Wales. Cartland was later openly critical of Diana's subsequent divorce, though the rift between them was mended shortly before Diana's fatal car crash in Paris, in 1997.[10] According to Tina Brown's book on the Princess, Cartland once remarked, "The only books Diana ever read were mine, and they weren't awfully good for her."[11]

After a year as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express, Cartland published her first novel, Jigsaw (1923), a risqué society thriller that became a bestseller. She also began writing and producing somewhat racy plays, one of which, Blood Money (1926), was banned by the Lord Chamberlain's Office. In the 1920s and 1930s, Cartland was a prominent young hostess in London society, noted for her beauty, energetic charm, and daring parties. Her fashion sense also had a part, and she was one of the first clients of designer Norman Hartnell; she remained a client until he died in 1979. He made her presentation and wedding dresses; the latter was made to her own design against Hartnell's wishes, and she admitted it was a failure.

In 1950, Cartland was accused of plagiarism by author Georgette Heyer, after a reader drew attention to the apparent borrowing of Heyer's character names, character traits, dialogue, and plot points in Cartland's early historical romances. In particular, A Hazard of Hearts (1949), which replicated characters (including names) from Heyer's Friday's Child (1944) and The Knave of Hearts (1950) which, Heyer alleged, "the conception ... , the principal characters, and many of the incidents, derive directly from an early book of my own, entitled These Old Shades, first published in 1926. ... For minor situations and other characters she has drawn upon four of my other novels." Heyer completed a detailed analysis of the alleged plagiarisms for her solicitors, but the case never came to court.[12]

Cartland's image as a self-appointed "expert" on romance drew some ridicule in her later years, when her social views became more conservative. Indeed, although her first novels were considered sensational, Cartland's later (and arguably most popular) titles were comparatively tame with virginal heroines and few, if any, suggestive situations. Almost all of Cartland's later books were historical in theme, which allowed for the believability of chastity (at least, to many of her readers).

Despite their tame storylines, Cartland's later novels were highly successful. By 1983, she rated the longest entry in Who's Who (though most of that article was a list of her books), and she was named the top-selling author in the world by the Guinness Book of Records.[13] Additionally, in 1983, Cartland wrote 23 novels, earning her the Guinness World Record for the most novels written in a single year.[14]

In 2000, her publishers estimated that since her writing career began in 1925, Cartland had produced a total of 723 titles.[10]

In the mid-1990s, by which time she had sold over a billion books, Vogue called Cartland "the true Queen of Romance". She became a mainstay of the popular media in her trademark pink dresses and plumed hats, discoursing on matters of love, marriage, politics, religion, health, and fashion. She was publicly opposed to the removal of prayer from state schools, and spoke against infidelity and divorce, although she admitted to being acquainted with both of these subjects.

Contribution to aviation


Privately, Cartland took an interest in the early gliding movement. Although aerotowing for launching gliders first occurred in Germany, she thought of long-distance tows in 1931 and did a 200-mile (360 km) tow in a two-seater glider. The idea led to troop-carrying gliders. In 1984, she was awarded the Bishop Wright Air Industry Award for this contribution.[15]

She regularly attended Brooklands aerodrome and motor-racing circuit during the 1920s and 30s, and the Brooklands Museum has preserved a sitting-room from that era and named it after her.

Political influence


After the death during World War II of her brother Ronald Cartland, a Conservative Member of Parliament, Cartland published a biography of him with a preface by the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill.

The war marked the beginning of a lifelong interest in civic welfare and politics for Cartland, who served the War Office in various charitable capacities as well as the St John Ambulance Brigade. In 1953, she was invested at Buckingham Palace as a Commander of the Order of St John of Jerusalem for her services.

In 1955, Cartland was elected a councillor on Hertfordshire County Council[7] as a Conservative and served for nine years. During this time she campaigned successfully for nursing home reform, improvement in the salaries of midwives, and the legalization of education for the children of Gypsies.

In 1978, Cartland's recording An Album of Love Songs was released through State Records, produced by Sir Norman Newell.[16] The album featured Cartland performing a series of popular standards with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, including "I'll Follow My Secret Heart" and "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square".[17]

In January, 1988, Cartland received the Médaille de Vermeil de la Ville de Paris, the highest honour of the city of Paris, for publishing 25 million books in France.

In 1991, Cartland was invested by Queen Elizabeth II as a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE) in honour of the author's almost 70 years of literary, political, and social contributions.[7]

A waxwork of Cartland was on display at Madame Tussauds, though according to her son Ian, Cartland was displeased because it wasn't "pretty enough".[10]

Interviews in later life

Dame Barbara Cartland (aged 98), with reporter Randy Bryan Bigham, in one of her last publicity photos, 2000

Cartland's physical and mental health, particularly eyesight, began to fail in her mid-90s,[փա՞ստ] but she remained a favourite with the press, granting interviews to international news agencies even during the final months of her life.[8]

Death and legacy


Cartland died peacefully in her sleep, on 21 May 2000, seven weeks before her 99th birthday, at her residence, Camfield Place, near Hatfield, Hertfordshire. She had been suffering from ill health and dementia for six months beforehand, and was subsequently bedridden and sequestered.[8] Both of her sons, Ian and Glen McCorquodale, were present at her bedside when she died. Shortly afterward, Cartland's daughter from her first marriage, Raine, travelled to the family home.[18]

After originally deciding she would like to be buried in her local parish church, featuring a coffin of marble construction, covered in angels, this was later changed; Cartland was buried in a cardboard coffin, because of her concerns for environmental issues.[19] She was interred at her private estate in Hatfield, Hertfordshire, under an oak that had been planted by Queen Elizabeth I.[8]

Posthumous publications


Cartland left behind a series of 160 unpublished novels, known as the Barbara Cartland Pink Collection. These are being published in ebook format by her son Ian McCorquodale; each month, a new novel is published from the collection.[20]

In 2010, to mark the 10th anniversary of her death, Cartland's first novel, Jig-Saw (first published in 1925), was reprinted.[21]

"As a tribute to Her Majesty the Queen on her Diamond Jubilee and to Barbara’s enduring appeal to romantics everywhere, her publishers have re-released her catalogue collection, entitled - "The Eternal Collection." This collection, released beginning in November 2013, includes some novels published at the time Queen Elizabeth II ascended to the throne in 1952.[22][23]

In addition, her collections of ebooks are available in Spanish, Italian and German.

Feature films


BBC Four aired a biopic drama film, titled In Love with Barbara (26 October 2008), starring Anne Reid as Cartland and David Warner as Lord Mountbatten. The film was written by Jacquetta May.

Her last project was to be filmed and interviewed for her life story (directed by Steven Glen for Blue Melon Films). The documentary, Virgins and Heroes, includes early home ciné footage and Dame Barbara launching her website with pink computers, in early 2000.[24]

  1. McCorquodale, Ian (2017). «Welcome to the romantic world of Barbara Cartland». BarbaraCartland.com. Արխիվացված է օրիգինալից 12 August 2017-ին. Վերցված է 12 August 2017-ին. «During her long career, my mother, Barbara Cartland wrote an incredible 723 books, which were translated into 38 languages, making her the most prolific author of the 20th Century.» {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (օգնություն)
  2. Severo, Richard (May 22, 2000). «Barbara Cartland, 98, Best-Selling Author Who Prized Old-Fashioned Romance, Dies». New York Times.
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4 3,5 3,6 «Dame Barbara Cartland». The Daily Telegraph. London. 22 May 2000. Վերցված է 22 April 2013-ին.
  4. «Final Curtain Calls». CBS News. 20 December 2000. Վերցված է 21 May 2010-ին.
  5. «Today's Inspiration - Francis Marshall». 7 September 2009. Վերցված է 20 January 2018-ին.
  6. «CARTLAND, JAMES BERTRAM FALKNER». Commonwealth War Graves Commission.
  7. 7,0 7,1 7,2 7,3 «Cartland, Barbara». Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center. Boston University. Արխիվացված է օրիգինալից November 9, 2012-ին. Վերցված է 22 April 2013-ին.
  8. 8,0 8,1 8,2 8,3 Thornton, Michael (24 October 2008). «A drunken husband and five secret lovers: The novel Barbara Cartland never wanted you to read». Daily Mail.
  9. Gormley, Beatrice (2005). Diana, Princess of Wales: Young Royalty.
  10. 10,0 10,1 10,2 Knight, Kathryn (18 October 2008). «Oh, mummy you were naughty - Dame Barbara Cartland's son reveals all about her racy life». Daily Mail. London. Վերցված է May 20, 2016-ին.
  11. Wilson, Frances (16 August 2013). «With 160 of her lost romances about to be published ... I'm a proud feminist but Barbara Cartland still sets my heart a-flutter». Daily Mail. London. Վերցված է 11 February 2010-ին.
  12. Kloester, Jennifer (2012). Georgette Heyer: Biography of a Bestseller. London: William Heinemann. 978-0-434-02071-3. pp. 275–79.
  13. SEVERO, RICHARD. «Barbara Cartland, 98, Best-Selling Author Who Prized Old-Fashioned Romance, Dies». The New York Times. Վերցված է 14 July 2017-ին.
  14. «Barbara Cartland: One of the Most Prolific Writers». Kerosi. Վերցված է 14 July 2017-ին.
  15. «Official Website: Life Story». Արխիվացված է օրիգինալից 18 August 2006-ին. Վերցված է 26 September 2006-ին. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (օգնություն)
  16. «Album of Love Songs (feat. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra». iTunes.
  17. «Archived copy». Արխիվացված է օրիգինալից 9 February 2015-ին. Վերցված է 2011-10-27-ին. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (օգնություն)CS1 սպաս․ արխիվը պատճենվել է որպես վերնագիր (link)
  18. Levin, Angela (19 Aug 2013). «Barbara Cartland: My mum always played the heroine». Daily Telegraph. Վերցված է 3 May 2014-ին.
  19. Rowe, Mark (25 June 2000). «Undertakers Say No to Green Burials; Cardboard Coffins May Be Good for the Environment, but They Are Much Less Profitable Than Traditional Ceremonies». The Independent. Արխիվացված է օրիգինալից 3 May 2014-ին. Վերցված է 2 May 2014-ին. {{cite news}}: Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (օգնություն)  – via Highbeam (subscription required)
  20. «The Pink Collection». BarbaraCartland.com. Արխիվացված է օրիգինալից 13 January 2013-ին. Վերցված է 29 May 2012-ին. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (օգնություն)
  21. Cartland, Barbara (4 November 2010). Jig-Saw. Barbara Cartland.com. ISBN 978-1906950200.
  22. «Newsflash: THE BARBARA CARTLAND ESTATE RELEASES HER GREATEST ROMANCES AS E-BOOKS». BarbaraCartland.com. Արխիվացված է օրիգինալից 7 May 2016-ին. Վերցված է 20 May 2016-ին. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (օգնություն)
  23. Cartland, Barbara (November 27, 2013). Introduction to the Eternal Collection (First ed.). Barbara Cartland.Ebooks ltd. ASIN B008654SO0.
  24. Glen, Steven (Director). Virgins and Heroes. Blue Melon Films.
Վիքիքաղվածքն ունի քաղվածքների հավաքածու, որոնք վերաբերում են

Վաղ կյանքը


Ռակիտիչը ծնվել է Ռայնֆելդենում [1] Շվեցարիայի Արգաու Կանտոնում Խորվաթիայից եկած շոկցիների ընտանիքում[2] ։ Նրա հայրը Լուկան ու հոր ընտանիքը Սիկրևցիից են, իսկ նրա մոր ընտանիքը բոսնիական խորվաթներ են Ժեպչեից[3]։ Նա մեծացել է Մոհլինում՝ Արգաու գավառում[4]։ Ռակիտիչը ունի եղբայր 1 եղբայր՝ Դեժանը։ Ռակիտիչի աջ թևի վրա դաջված է իր եղբոր անունը[5]։ Ռակիտիչը իր մանկությունը և վաղ կարիերան անցկացրել է Շվեցարիայում։ Նրա հայրը և մեծ եղբայրը նույնպես ֆուտբոլիստներ են։ 16 տարեկանում նրան նկատել են եվրոպական առաջատար ակումբների սկաուտները, սակայն նա և նրա ընտանիքը որոշել են մնալ Բազելում որպեսզի նա հնարավորություն ունենա ավելի շատ խաղալ ցածր լիգաներում[5]։

Ակումբային կարիերա


Ծախսելով կարճ ժամանակ երիտասարդական թիմում Ռակիտիչը 2005 թ. Սեպտեմբերի 29-ին Բեռլինի «Շիրոկի Բրիջ» -ում անցկացրեց ՈՒԵՖԱ-ի գավաթի խաղարկությունում իր առաջին թիմային ելույթը: Իր առաջինի Super League-ի ելույթը Շվեյցարիայում կայացավ 2006 թվականի ապրիլի 15-ին Բազելում անցկացվող Neuchâtel Xamax- ի դեմ հանդիպման ժամանակ։ Թեև այս երկու հանդիպումները միակն էին, երբ նա իր առաջին պրոֆեսիոնալ մրցաշրջանում խաղում էր Բազելի հետ, նա շարունակեց իր երկրորդ մրցաշրջանում հանդես գալ որպես կանոնավոր աջակցող, և 33 գավաթի խաղարկությունում ստացավ 11 գոլ։ Այս ժամանակահատվածում ՈՒԵՖԱ-ի ինը գավաթների ելույթները կատարելու համար, նա ճանաչվել է 2006-07 թթ. Սուպեր Լիգայի մրցաշրջանի լավագույն երիտասարդ խաղացողը, ինչպես նաև 2006 թ. հոկտեմբերի 22-ին արժանացել Շվեյցարիայի «Տարվա նպատակը» մրցանակին[6]։

Շալկե 04

Rakitić with Schalke in 2010.

Պատանեկան տարիքում լավ խաղ ցուցադրելուց հետո Ռակիտիչը կրկին արժանացել է եվրոպական խոշարագույ ակումբերի ուշադրությանը[5]։ 2007 թվականի հունիսի 22ին պայմագիր է կնքել գերմանական Շալկե 04-ի հետ €5 միլիոնով։

Ռակիտիչը իր դեբյուտը Շալկեում ստեղծեց 2007 թվականի հուլիսի 21-ին «Շալկե» ակումբի կազմում հանդես եկավ Պրեմիեր Լիգապոկալ մրցաշարում `Կարլսրուեր ՍԿ-ի դեմ: eventually appeared in the remaining two matches as Schalke finished as league runners-up. 2007 թվականի օգոստոսի 5-ին Ռակիտիչը խփեց իր առաջին մրցակացային գոլը իր նոր ակումբի համար 0-9 հաշվով հաղթանակ տարավ Eintracht Trier- ի DFB-Pokal- ի առաջին տուրում[7]։

2007 թվականի օգոստոսի 10-ին Բունդեսլիգայի նոր մրցաշրջանն սկսվել է VfB Stuttgart- ի և Շալկեի չեմպիոնների միջև բախումից։ Ռակիտիչը երկրորդ կիսաեզրափակչում հանդես եկավ և իր առաջին Բունդեսլիգայի գոլի հեղինակ դարձավ ընդամենը յոթերորդ րոպեում, քանի որ նրա կողմը խաղաց 2-2 հաշվով[8]։

2007 թվականի սեպտեմբերի 15-ին նա կարողացավ կրկին տպավորություն թողնել «Շալկե»-ում միակ գոլի հեղինակ դառնալով «Բավարիա»-յին հետ խաղում՝ 1-1 հաշվով[9]։ Երեք օր հետո Ռակիտիչը ստեղծեց ՈՒԵՖԱ չեմպիոնների լիգայում իր դեբյուտը 0-1 տնային պարտության մատնելով Վալենսիային։ Այնուհետև նա 2007- թվականներին Չեմպիոնների Լիգայի մրցաշրջանում կատարել է յոթ ելույթներ,[10] ներառյալ շատ ուժեղ և շատ տպավորիչ դաշտային դերը «Շալկե»-ի տնային դաշտում «Չելսի»-ի հետ խմբային փուլում։ Նա և He and former teammate Mladen Krstajić were temporarily cut from the squad the night before Schalke's next fixture against Rosenborg due to being caught skipping training and taking part in a late-night partying.[11] Helping his side prevail in the penalty shootout against Porto to reach the quarter-finals for the first time,[12] Rakitić had to miss both the fixtures of such against Chelsea due to an ankle injury sustained in training. He was kept out of action for a month[13] as Schalke were eliminated from the tournament without him.

Shortly upon his returning from injury, Rakitić discovered top form as he scored a goal and assisted another two in the vital 0–3 victory at VfL Bochum,[14] which made sure Schalke finished at least third in league table and secured a place in the next Champions League. He continued such form in the next fixture against Eintracht Frankfurt, assisting Mladen Krstajić for the only goal of the match to conclude with Schalke a positive home season. In total, he finished his first Bundesliga season with 3 goals and 10 assists in 29 appearances.[15] In the subsequent season, Rakitić played in Schalke's 3–0 victory over Hannover 96, assisting two goals in the opening Bundesliga fixture.[16]



2010–11 մրցաշրջան


2011 թվականի հունվարի 28-ին Ռակիտիչը պայմանգիիր կնքեց 4 ու կես տարով իսպանական Լա Լիգայի Սևիլիայի ակումբի հետ, պայմանագրի արժեքը կազմել է €2.5 միլիոն[17]։ Upon his arrival, Rakitić was immediately included in the starting XI of the team, making his debut on 6 February 2011 against Málaga. In next game, against Racing de Santander, he scored an own-goal but managed to get back on the track and scored his first goal for Sevilla in the match against Hércules in the next matchday. Due to a fractured foot, Rakitić was forced to miss the last four La Liga fixtures.[18] He scored five goals in his first half-season with Sevilla in 2010–11, starting in all 13 matches after his arrival and before the foot injury.

2011–12 season


During the 2011–12 season, Rakitić continued to be a first team regular and a key component of the squad. Due to managerial changes and new tactical schemes introduced by new coach Marcelino, who was later replaced by Míchel, Rakitić was given a different role on the pitch than the one he had the previous season, when he was used as central midfielder under coach Gregorio Manzano; during the course of the season, he was mostly deployed as a defensive midfielder. By the end of the season, he made total of 39 appearances for the club, provided six assists and scored one goal in the 2011–12 Copa del Rey. This turned out to be his only goalless Liga season while playing for Sevilla.

2012–13 season


Rakitić began the 2012–13 La Liga season by providing an assist in the opening match against Getafe. On 12 September, he provided another assist for Piotr Trochowski at home in a 1–0 win over Real Madrid. He scored his first goal of the season on Matchday 5 against Deportivo de La Coruña. Rakitić scored two goals in the opening 20 minutes of the second Seville derby of the season against cross-city rivals Real Betis.[19] This was his third goal of the season against Sevilla's city rivals, given the fact that he had also scored in the first Seville derby of the season, when Sevilla celebrated a 5–1 victory. During the match against Real Sociedad, Rakitić added two goals to his tally, however, the second one was an own goal, tying the match at 1–1 after he scored the first goal to give his club a 1–0 lead.[20] Until the end of the season, he made total of 42 appearances for the club and scored 12 goals for the team, three coming in the Copa del Rey. He also finished the season providing ten league assists. Statistics showed that Rakitić created 100 chances in total, a sum ranking fourth across all players in Europe that season.[21]

2013–14 season

Rakitić playing for Sevilla in the 2013–14 season, when he became the team captain.

At the beginning of the 2013–14 La Liga season, coach Unai Emery named Rakitić as the new Sevilla captain.[22] Since the beginning of the season, he was one of the most prominent players of the league, scoring the first goal and assisting for the second in a 3–2 away loss against Barcelona on 14 September. In the two last games of September, he scored two goals in a 1–4 away win over Rayo Vallecano, and assisted for the draw 1–1 goal against Real Sociedad. In the final three games of October, Rakitić scored a goal in a 2–0 home win against SC Freiburg, a 2–1 home win over Almería and two goals in a 7–3 loss at the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium against Real Madrid.[23] In the third and fourth games of November, he contributed an assist in away 1–3 win against Espanyol, and two more respectively in a 4–0 home win against Sevilla rivals Betis. In the last game of December, he assisted in a 1–2 away win against Villarreal, helping Sevilla reach a top ten position after a disappointing start of the season, as well attracting attention from other international clubs.[24][25] In the first game of the 2014 calendar year, he scored in a 3–0 home win against Getafe. In January, he scored two more La Liga goals for Sevilla against Atlético Madrid[26] and Levante, respectively, while also missing a penalty kick in the latter fixture.[27] These performances earned him a La Liga Player of the Month award.[28]

Rakitić's impressive form continued in the season, with several assists and goals from February to May, including two assists in the Europa League 2–2 away draw against Maribor, an assist in the 2–1 home win over Real Madrid and a goal against Porto in a 4–1 home win. He also assisted in the semi-final first leg 2–0 win over Valencia, which they won on aggregate (3–3), thus qualifying for the Europa League Final. He was man of the match as Sevilla won the Final 4–2 on penalties over Benfica at Juventus Stadium in Turin.[29] He was the first player to captain a team to victory in the UEFA Europa League Final and also pick up the official man of the match award.[30] He was included in the UEFA Europa League Team of the Season.[31] By the Spanish national football league association, Rakitić was chosen in La Liga first XI in both first round, and team of the season.[32][33] He finished the season scoring 15 goals, and recording 17 assists.[34] At the season's LFP Awards, Rakitić won the Fair Play Award and was nominated for Best Midfielder, an award ultimately given to Barcelona's Andrés Iniesta.[35]

2014–15 season

Rakitić with Barcelona in 2014.

On 16 June 2014, Barcelona signed Rakitić on a five-year contract effective 1 July.[36][37] Upon his arrival, Rakitić was given the squad shirt number 4. He made his debut for the team in a pre-season friendly match against French club Nice on 2 August, when he came on as a second-half substitute for Sergi Roberto.[38] During a pre-season friendly against HJK Helsinki, Rakitić provided his first assists for Barça, assisting twice in 6–0 victory.[39] His official debut for Barcelona came on 24 August in the opening match of the new Liga season, against Elche. Just moments after half-time, Rakitić played a long ball over-top of Elche's defence towards forward Munir, who flicked the ball it into the far corner of the net to make it 2–0 for Barcelona.[40]

Rakitić's first goal for Barcelona came from outside of the penalty area in a 0–5 away win against Levante on 21 September 2014.[41] In the next week's game, against Granada, Rakitić headed in Lionel Messi's cross for his second goal of the season in a 6–0 victory at Camp Nou.[42] On 18 March 2015, Rakitić scored the first Champions League goal of his career in a 1–0 win against English champions Manchester City in the round of 16 second leg at Camp Nou.[43]

On 6 June 2015, Rakitić scored the opening goal in a 3–1 win against Italian champions Juventus in the 2015 UEFA Champions League Final at Berlin's Olympiastadion.[44] This made Barcelona the first club in history to win the treble of domestic league, domestic cup and European Cup twice.[45] Rakitić, for the second year in a row, was included in the La Liga and European (Champions League) team of the season.[46][47]

2015–16 season


On 11 August 2015, Rakitić played the full 120 minutes as Barcelona defeated his former club Sevilla 5–4 to win the 2015 UEFA Super Cup in Tbilisi.[48] In October, he was announced Croatian Footballer of the Year 2015.[49][50] As an 18th-minute substitute for Sergi Roberto, on 20 October he scored both goals from Neymar assists as Barcelona won 2–0 at BATE Borisov in the Champions League group stage.[51] In December, he was named Croatian Sportsman of the Year 2015.[52] On 30 April 2016, Rakitić scored the opener against Betis as Barcelona won 0–2 to stay top of the Liga table.[53]

2016–17 season


On 23 April 2017, Rakitić scored the second goal in a 3–2 away victory against Real Madrid in El Clásico.[54]

2017–18 season


On 12 September 2017, Rakitić netted a goal against Juventus in the 2017–18 UEFA Champions League, as Barcelona defeated the last season's Italian champions 3–0 at home.[55]

International career


Rakitić's first international experience came at youth level with the Switzerland under-17, under-19 and under-21 national teams, but decided to accept the call-up by Croatia national team coach Slaven Bilić and play for the nation's senior team.[56] He made his full international debut for Croatia on 8 September 2007 in their UEFA Euro 2008 qualifier against Estonia in Zagreb, highly praised by the fans as he was entering the game as a substitute.[57] In Croatia's following qualifier, a 0–6 away win over Andorra on 12 September 2007, he scored his first international goal for Croatia in only his second appearance for the team. He finished the year 2007 with five senior international caps to his name, four of which were in the successful Euro 2008 qualifying campaign.[58]

Rakitić with Croatia, in 2013.

In early May 2008, he joined Croatia's squad for the Euro 2008 tournament in Austria and Switzerland, where he was the second-youngest player in the tournament.[59] He made his first appearance at the tournament as a starter against Germany, and eventually provided a shot which ricocheted off the post and allowed teammate Ivica Olić to score the second goal in their 2–1 victory. He formed a praised trio of Croatian attacking midfielders with his teammates Luka Modrić and Niko Kranjčar. Though playing a strong role against Turkey in the quarter-finals of the tournament, Rakitić went on to miss one of the three unsuccessful penalties in the shootout, thus leading to a victory for Turkey.[60]

Rakitić continued to appear regularly for Croatia during their unsuccessful qualifying campaign for the 2010 FIFA World Cup, making a total of ten appearances and scoring three goals in the competition. On 15 October 2008, he scored a brace in a 4–0 win at home to Andorra. On 5 September 2009, he scored the match-winning goal in a 1–0 win at home to Belarus. Croatia failed to qualify for the finals after finishing third in their group.[61]

After appearing in all of their Euro 2012 qualifiers, he was selected to be part of the Croatian squad at the Euro finals in Poland and Ukraine. Croatia were drawn in Group C together with Spain, Italy and the Republic of Ireland. Rakitić started in all three of Croatia group stage matches. After two matches played, Croatia had four points and were facing defending champions Spain in Gdańsk. With the game goalless and entering the final half-hour, Rakitić burst into the Spanish penalty area but could not direct his header past goalkeeper Iker Casillas after being picked out by a wonderful Luka Modrić pass. It proved to be a costly miss, with Spain's Jesús Navas later scoring an 88th-minute winner to send the Croatians crashing out.

2014 World Cup

Rakitić playing against his at the time Barcelona teammate Neymar, at the opening match between Croatia and Brazil.

In the 2014 World Cup qualifying campaign, on 12 October 2012 Rakitić scored a goal from a free-kick against Macedonia at Philip II Arena to help secure a 1–2 victory for Croatia. Eventually, after the playoffs, the team qualified for the World Cup final stages. They were drawn into Group A alongside Brazil, Mexico and Cameroon. Croatia played the opening match against Brazil, which they lost 3–1.[62] In the second match, Croatia won 4–0 against Cameroon,[63] but did not progress as they lost 1–3 against Mexico, with Rakitić providing the assist for the only Croatian goal.[64]

Rakitić scored his first and only goal in the Euro 2016 qualifiers against Bulgaria. He was selected to be part of the Croatian squad at Euro in France. Croatia were drawn in Group D along with Spain, Czech Republic and Turkey. Rakitić started Croatia's opening game where they secured a narrow victory by one goal against Turkey.[65] On 17 June 2016, Rakitić scored a goal to double Croatia's lead against the Czech Republic, but later the game was turned around when the play was halted briefly after Croatian fans threw flares onto the pitch. Shortly after the restart, the referee rewarded Czech Republic a penalty and the game ended in a 2–2 draw.[66]

After a 2–1 win over defending champions Spain, Croatia topped Group D and went on to face Portugal in the next round. Croatia, however, lost 1–0 after Portugal's Ricardo Quaresma scored a 117th-minute, extra-time winner to send Croatia out of the tournament.[67] Rakitić later stated that "Croatia did not deserve to go out and the best team were going home".[68] Rakitić appeared in all of Croatia's matches and ended the tournament by scoring one goal.Ա

Rakitić (center) with Dejan Lovren (right) during a Croatia training session, in June 2018.

2018 Աշխարհի Գավաթ


2018 թվականի հունիսի 4-ին Ռակիտիչը ներառվեց Խորվաթիայի հավաքականի մեջ 2018 թվականի Աշխարհի Գավաթի խաղերում խաղալու համար։ Rakitić was named in Croatia's 23-man squad for the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia.[69] On 22 June 2018, Rakitić scored Croatia's third goal in a 3–0 victory over Argentina in their second group stage match of the tournament.[70]

On 1 July, Rakitić scored the winning penalty kick in the penalty shoot-out against Denmark, as Croatia progressed to the quarter-final.[71] One week later, on 7 July, Rakitić again scored the winning penalty kick in the penalty shoot-out against Russia, as Croatia progressed to the semi-final.[72][73] Croatia reached the final of the tournament, where they were defeated 4–2 by France on 15 July.[74]

Անձնական կյանք


Ռակտիչը 2013 թվականի ապրիլին ամուսնացել է Ռաքել Մաուրիի հետ Սևիլիայում[75]։ 2013 թվականի հուլիսին ծնվեց նրանց դուստրը՝ Ալթեան[76]։ 2016 թվականի մայիսին ծնվեց նրանց երկրորդ դուստրը՝ Ադարան[77]։

Career statistics

20 May 2018-ի դրությամբ.[78][79][80][81]
Club Season League Cup[nb 1] Europe Other Total
Division Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals
Basel 2005–06 Super League 1 0 1 0 1[lower-alpha 1] 0 3 0
2006–07 33 11 5 0 5[lower-alpha 1] 0 43 11
Total 34 11 6 0 6 0 46 11
Schalke 04 2007–08 Bundesliga 29 3 3 1 7[lower-alpha 2] 0 3[lower-alpha 3] 0 42 4
2008–09 23 1 4 1 7[lower-alpha 4] 1 34 3
2009–10 29 7 4 0 33 7
2010–11 16 1 4 1 5[lower-alpha 2] 0 1[lower-alpha 5] 0 26 2
Total 97 12 15 3 19 1 4 0 135 16
Sevilla 2010–11 La Liga 13 6 1 0 2[lower-alpha 6] 0 16 6
2011–12 36 0 3 1 0 0 39 1
2012–13 34 9 8 3 42 12
2013–14 34 12 0 0 18[lower-alpha 6] 3 52 15
Total 117 27 12 4 20 3 149 34
Barcelona 2014–15 La Liga 32 5 7 1 12[lower-alpha 2] 2 51 8
2015–16 36 7 6 0 10[lower-alpha 2] 2 5[lower-alpha 7] 0 57 9
2016–17 32 8 8 1 9[lower-alpha 2] 0 2[lower-alpha 8] 0 51 9
2017–18 35 1 8 2 10[lower-alpha 2] 1 2[lower-alpha 8] 0 55 4
Total 135 21 29 4 41 5 9 0 214 30
Career Total 383 71 63 11 86 9 13 0 545 91
  1. 1,0 1,1 Appearances in UEFA Cup
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 Appearances in UEFA Champions League
  3. Appearances in DFL-Ligapokal
  4. Two appearances in UEFA Champions League and five appearances and one goal in UEFA Cup
  5. Appearances in DFL-Supercup
  6. 6,0 6,1 Appearances in UEFA Europa League
  7. Two appearances in Supercopa de España, one appearance in UEFA Super Cup, two appearances in FIFA Club World Cup
  8. 8,0 8,1 Appearances in Supercopa de España


15 July 2018-ի դրությամբ[58]
Year Apps Goals
2007 5 1
2008 11 4
2009 8 2
2010 8 1
2011 6 0
2012 10 1
2013 11 0
2014 10 0
2015 6 1
2016 7 3
2017 6 0
2018 11 2
Total 99 15

International goals

Croatia score listed first, score column indicates score after each Rakitić goal.[82]






  1. Includes cup competitions such as the Swiss Cup, DFB-Pokal and Copa del Rey
  1. Քաղվածելու սխալ՝ Սխալ <ref> պիտակ՝ «born_in_Rheinfelden_not_Moehlin» անվանումով ref-երը տեքստ չեն պարունակում:
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  82. Ֆուտբոլիստի էջը soccerway.com կայքում(անգլ.)
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