World Docando Federation, Martial Arts/Sport

“DOCANDO” is an American Martial Art. It is a new style in Martial Arts originated from Full Contact Karate and Eastern combat schools such as Karate, Tekuando, Aikido, Judo, Sandaushu. Muay Thai, and Box. Docando initiates perfect combination of these schools’ key trends with original ones making it fits for everyone. It was created in 2005 by Gor Vardanyan.

Docando is created on the basis of Full Contact Karate that was established in 1995. Thus, techniques and methodology is taken from Full Contact Karate.

Docando headquarter is in Los Angeles USA.

Word Docando is originated from words “do” and “can” to persuade person calling for “endeavor”, “venture”, “try to reach higher level”, “ability to do it”.

Training system trends to develop key abilities: physical training, flexibility, speed, and sensitivity.

Self Defense technique includes basic combat skills. Docando technique system is developed specially for young generation to make study plain and interesting through new teaching methodology.