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Armenian youths protest Anti-Armenian violence in Russia.

With outbreaks of Russian nationalism and Skinheads in Russia many ethnic groups have been targeted such as the Armenians. One of the activists, Izabela Sarkisian, cited statistics according to which some 3000 Armenians have been murdered in Russia in the past ten years

“In Russia there are nearly 1.5-2 million Armenians. It means over 1% of the population of the country. It’s assumed that if annually 30.000 people are murdered in Russia then 1 Armenian dies a day. According to the statistics it’s normal. But every time an Armenian is killed in Russia a great noise is made by the Armenian mass media,” said the moderator of the discussion. [1]

List of names
Armen Yeghiazaryan, a businessman from Armenia, was killed in the North-West of Moscow. [2]
Oganes Karapetian, was killed in Samara, Russia by someone who painted a racist slogan on the victim’s television set. [3]
Zorik Abeshyan a deacon at the Armenian church of St Grigor Lusavorich in Vladikavkaz. [4]
Artur Martirosian, 15, Armenian teenager has been stabbed to death in Moscow, prosecutors said. [5]
Artur Sardaryan, 19-year old man was stabbed several times on a Moscow Region train. [6]
Narek Kocharyan 15, was killed on November 11, 2006 on the railway platform of Ivanteevka city [7]
Vigen Abramiants, 17, was stabbed to death on a Moscow subway platform on April 22, 2006. [8]
Hovannes Ayrumyan, a 23-year old musician, was stabbed to death near his house on October 20, 2007. [9]
Sardarian’s violent death came in the wake of an uproar caused by the killing of another young Armenian. The 17-year-old Vigen Abramiants was stabbed to death on a Moscow subway platform on April 22. The crime, which has still not been solved, prompted an outburst of anti-Russian rhetoric in the Armenian media which dealt a further blow to the traditionally strong pro-Russian sentiment in Armenia.[8]
An Armenian businessman was stabbed 20 times, also apparently by skinheads. The Moscow Times said that before he died the man told police his attackers had shouted racial epithets. [10]

Category:Racism Category:Anti-Armenianism