Վիքիպեդիա:Վիքիճամբար 2015 (II հերթափոխ)/Rules
(Վերահղված է Վիքիպեդիա:Վիքիճամբար 2015/Rulesից)

For the duration of the Wiki Camp the group leader becomes the camper’s older mate and mentor. Group leader supervise day-to-day activities, monitor campers’ health and safety as well as set and organize cultural and athletic events. A camper can address his or her group leader with any questions or concerns. Strict adherence to the rules and directions from the group leaders and the camp master is imperative. Group leaders are going to make sure that campers enjoy a fun, unforgettable vacation; however, it has to be clear to all campers that they are going to join a group of other campers and thus have to follow the rules established by it.
- All campers will follow directions given by the camp director and group leaders.
- All participants will respect each other and staff members. Discrimination or bias of any kind based on age, gender, ethnic origin, religious faith etc. are prohibited. Name-calling, insulting, fighting and violence are never acceptable. Repeated warnings will result in dismissal from camp.
- All campers must edit Wikipedia about 4 hours per day within Wiki Camp workshops.
- Electronic games are not permitted at camp.
- All campers must participate in scheduled camp activities. A parent note is required to excuse participation.
- Use of any kind of alcohol beverages (including beer), smoking, distribution and/or use of any kind of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited on the camp grounds. No weapons of any sort (guns, knives, ropes, pocket knives, etc.) or such toys are allowed. Threats, with intentions of harming oneself or others will not be tolerated.
- Each camper must wear their camp ID badges at all times.
- Equipment must be used in a safe manner. Willful destruction of equipment will result in a damage fee. Destroying or vandalizing camp property including plants, as well as property of their peers and adults are not allowed.
- Campers should dress appropriately for an active day, often involving hiking and outdoor activities.
- Wikimedia Armenia is not responsible for any personal items and money that are lost, stolen or broken.
- During the camp campers are not allowed to leave camp territory without being accompanied by an adult. Campers must stay with their group leaders at all times. Campers will be in the care of the staff and volunteers until they are picked up by parents or other authorized persons.
- These rules cannot cover every possible situation at Wiki Camp. When in doubt follow the camp rules or ask camp organization team or group leader.