This module implements the {{submit an edit request}} and {{submit an edit request/link}} templates.

Usage from wikitext խմբագրել

To use this template from wikitext, you should normally use the {{submit an edit request}} and {{submit an edit request/link}} templates. However, the module can also be used directly from #invoke. For the edit request button, use {{#invoke:Submit an edit request|button|args}}, and for the edit request link only, use {{#invoke:Submit an edit request|link|args}}. Please see the respective template pages for a list of available parameters.

Usage from Lua modules խմբագրել

To use this module from other Lua modules, first load the module.

local mEditRequest = require('Module:Submit an edit request')

You can then use the _button function to generate an edit request button, and the _link function to generate an edit request link.


The args variable should be a table containing the arguments to pass to the module. To see the different arguments that can be specified and how they affect the module output, please refer to the documentation of {{Submit an edit request}} and {{Submit an edit request/link}}.

Configuration խմբագրել

This module can be translated and configured for other wikis by editing Module:Submit an edit request/config.

-- This module implements {{Submit an edit request}}.

-- Load necessary modules
local mRedirect = require('Module:Redirect')
local cfg = mw.loadData('Module:Submit an edit request/config')

local p = {}

local function message(key, ...)
	local params = {...}
	local msg = cfg[key]
	if #params < 1 then
		return msg
		return mw.message.newRawMessage(msg):params(params):plain()

function p.makeRequestUrl(level, titleObj)
	titleObj = titleObj or mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
		local levels = {
			semi = true,
			template = true,
			full = true
		level = level and levels[level] and level or 'full'
	local editintro, requestTemplate, levelText
		local messages = {
			semi = {
				editintro = 'semi-editintro',
				requestTemplate = 'semi-request-template',
				levelText = 'semi-protectionlevel'
			template = {
				editintro = 'template-editintro',
				requestTemplate = 'template-request-template',
				levelText = 'template-protectionlevel'
			full = {
				editintro = 'full-editintro',
				requestTemplate = 'full-request-template',
				levelText = 'full-protectionlevel'
		local levelMessages = messages[level]
		editintro = message(levelMessages.editintro)
		requestTemplate = message(levelMessages.requestTemplate)
		levelText = message(levelMessages.levelText)
	local preloadtitle, talkpagename
		-- Get the date text.
		local dateFormat = message('preload-title-date-format')
		local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
		local date = lang:formatDate(dateFormat)
		-- Get the talk page name, and resolve it if it is a redirect.
		local namespace = titleObj.namespace
		talkpagename =[namespace]
			.. ':'
			..  titleObj.text
		talkpagename = mRedirect.luaMain(talkpagename)
		preloadtitle = message('preload-title-text', levelText, date)
	local preloadTemplate = message('preload-template')
	local function encode(key, value)
		key = mw.uri.encode(key)
		value = mw.uri.encode(value)
		return key .. '=' .. value

	local query = {}
	query[#query + 1] = encode('preload', preloadTemplate)
	query[#query + 1] = encode('editintro', editintro)
	query[#query + 1] = encode('preloadparams[]', requestTemplate)
	query[#query + 1] = encode('preloadtitle', preloadtitle)
	query[#query + 1] = 'section=new'
	query[#query + 1] = encode('preloadparams[]', titleObj.prefixedText)
	local url = mw.uri.fullUrl(talkpagename, {action = 'edit'})
	url = tostring(url) .. '&' .. table.concat(query, '&')
	return url

function p._link(args)
	return string.format(
		'<span class="plainlinks">[%s %s]</span>',
		args.display or message('default-display-value')

function p._button(args)
	return require('Module:Clickable button 2').luaMain{
		[1] = args.display or message('default-display-value'),
		url = p.makeRequestUrl(args.type),
		class = 'mw-ui-progressive'

local function makeInvokeFunc(func, wrapper)
	return function (frame)
		local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {
			wrappers = {wrapper}
		return func(args)
end = makeInvokeFunc(p._link, message('link-wrapper-template'))
p.button = makeInvokeFunc(p._button, message('button-wrapper-template'))

return p