Մասնակից:Սվետլանա Հովսեփյան/Ավազարկղ 9

Adventures of a Lottery Winner Part one- Jays Diary Wednesday,4th September I am Julie Cairns today. Yesterday I was Jane Crossley but today we are leaving Switzerland, moving from Berne to Manchester so we have all had to change our names again.It is a game we play,Mum,Dad and me.It is fun, but it gets quite complicated.Just before we are about to move I have to learn a whole raft of stuff, like our new address and all our new names and what my dad does for a living, because that always changes too.(Even more important,I have to remember what I must not talk about in the new place) I usually get to keep the same intials for my name, through, to make remembering easier, and I always ask my friends to call me Jay, which covers any possible mistakes.